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Double Breaker Attack

Unlocked by default

Breaking up isn't always easy, but Breaker is easy to handle.


W Breaker Icon
Breaker is simple. You shoot it, it lands, it breaks apart. It doesn't require much skill, but you would be surprised how easy it is to aim incorrectly by actually landing it directly on your target. Be careful!
Weapon Attributes
Weapon Type Impact Effect
Damage per Projectile 20
Projectiles 2
Explosion Radius 12 (30 PU)
Terrain Damage Destruction
Self Damage Yes
Requirements None


Double-Breaker is a prime example of how one good thing can turn into many. Four projectiles each dealing 18 damage cover enough area to land any air strike weapon with ease.
Weapon Attributes
Weapon Type Impact Effect
Damage per Projectile 18
Projectiles 4
Explosion Radius 10 (25 PU)
Terrain Damage Destruction
Self Damage Yes
Requirements 400 XP


While the word "Super-Breaker" sounds like the name of some electrical appliance you would buy at a thrift shop, you probably would not take this weapon so lightly if it was used on you. Nine projectiles each dealing 15 damage make the terrain incredibly bumpy which can either help your next shot or ruin it.
Weapon Attributes
Weapon Type Impact Effect
Damage per Projectile 15
Projectiles 9
Explosion Radius ?
Terrain Damage Destruction
Self Damage Yes
Requirements 2,400 XP


Break away from the chain with eight projectiles dealing each dealing 18 damage. It just keeps going! How do you compete against something that can climb hills, cover 1/4 of the map, and give you and all your teammates something to cry about?
Weapon Attributes
Weapon Type Multistage Impact Effect
Damage per Projectile 18
Projectiles 2>4>8
Explosion Radius ?
Terrain Damage Destruction
Self Damage Yes
Requirements 6,000 XP