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DiscoBall Attack

Unlocked after reaching level 25

This party inspired flare weapon hits enemies with multiple low-damage shards. Make your enemies dance!

Disco Ball[]

W DiscoBall Icon
Disco Ball
Drops a ball and acts in a similar way to pinata, spraying shrapnel across the map near to where it lands.
Weapon Attributes
Weapon Type Flares
Damage per Projectile 6
Projectiles 20
Explosion Radius aprox 6-7PU (2-3)
Terrain Damage Yes
Self Damage Yes
Requirements Level 25

Groovy Ball[]

DRAMA ALERT! The ball has truly dropped with this weapon with an epic entrance. The ball dangles, then falls off its laser thread, exploding for a mediocre amount of damage, throwing out shrapnel shards when it lands. If the ball happens to land on an enemy that is on the bottom of the map, all shards explode instantly in a manner similar to shrapnel and can deal heavy damage.
Weapon Attributes
Weapon Type Flares
Damage 25
Damage per Projectile 6
Projectiles 20
Explosion Radius 35PU Ball (13)

6-7PU Shrapnel (2-3)

Terrain Damage Yes
Self Damage Yes
Requirements 2,300 XP

Tips & Trivia[ | ]

  • Groovy Ball has a tendency to not fall directly downward from its laser thread.