ShellShock Live Wiki
Portal Gun Attack

Unlocked after finishing the "The Cake is a Lie" Challenge

Now you're thinking with Portals!

Portal Gun[]

W PortalGun Icon
Portal Gun
This weapon creates portal 2 portals (Right above where it lands and another one higher than the first one) then spawns a Companion Cube in between to travel in and out of the two portal creating its speed. After some time, the two portals dissolve and the accelerating cube smashes into the ground, dealing damage.
Weapon Attributes
Weapon Type Impact Effect
Damage 50
Explosion Radius 16 (40PU)
Terrain Damage Yes
Self Damage Yes
Requirements Finishing "The Cake is a Lie" Challenge


Much like the first tier, it sends two portals for a cube to traverse in, except the gap between the two portals is much bigger, giving the cube more time to speed up and deal more damage.
Weapon Attributes
Weapon Type Impact Effect
Damage 60
Explosion Radius 16 (40PU)
Terrain Damage Yes
Self Damage Yes
Requirements 4,600 XP

Tips & Trivia[ | ]

  • On collision with bumpers, the spawned portals and the companion cube can behave strangely.
  • ASHPD means Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device. It is the "official" name for the portal gun in the Portal series.
  • If the player looks closely, the portals do not float in the air and are in fact slowly falling when spawned
  • This weapon can hit a 2x damage buff that is above where the weapon lands.