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Desert Attack

Unlocked after reaching Level 35

Unlike real quicksand, which causes objects to sink in it, this one outright demolishes the terrain for the tanks to "sink into."


W Quicksand Icon
One of the few weapons that is difficult to use properly, 30 small sand particles are launched in rapid succession from the tank. They pass through terrain for a bit before exploding, causing large holes to form in the terrain above and damaging tanks above it. Because the particles have a bit of spread, higher angles should be used for maximizing damage. Additionally, higher angles can easily trap opponents in a deep pit, making higher angle shots better.

The weapon damage varies depending on the horizontal distance between you and the enemy tank.

Weapon Attributes
Weapon Type Underground Impact
Damage per Projectile 1-3
Projectiles 30
Explosion Radius 6 (15PU)
Terrain Damage Yes
Self Damage Yes
Requirements Level 35


The same as quicksand, but shoots more projectiles and can cause more damage to tanks and the terrain.
Weapon Attributes
Weapon Type Underground Impact
Damage per Projectile 1-3
Projectiles 35
Explosion Radius 7 (17.5PU)
Terrain Damage Yes
Self Damage Yes
Requirements 3,200 XP

Tips & Trivia[ | ]

  • One of the most effective ways to use this weapon is when enemy players are near the bottom of the map. The indestructible ground layer at the bottom prevents the projectiles from going past them and the large area of effect of the projectiles cause most of them to hit.