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Unlocked after reaching Level 99

Displacement bomb

I will make you disappear!


W Relocator Icon
A normal shot is fired. Upon landing, a red circle is outlined. This weapon will teleport anything in its radius, but it will only deal damage to enemy tanks
Weapon Attributes
Weapon Type Impact Effect
Damage 60
Explosion Radius 18 (45 PU)
Terrain Damage No
Self Damage No
Requirements Level 99

Displacement Bomb[]

Similarly to Relocator, the weapon will teleport anything in it's radius, with the same damage, only the AoE is doubled and the color changes to blue.
Weapon Attributes
Weapon Type Impact Effect
Damage 60
Explosion Radius 36 (90 PU)
Terrain Damage No
Self Damage No
Requirements 4,600 XP

Trivia and Tips[ | ]

  • This weapon pierces shields, and was one of the few to do so pre 1.0.
  • This weapon is great for getting yourself out of pits, dodging a high damage attack, or moving away someone.
  • If you think someone is going to use Imploder, teleporting them away is probably a good idea.