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Sinkhole Attack

Unlocked by default

The cousin of digger, but with a twist of sinking them instead of digging them. Down below!


W Sinkhole Icon
Shoots a shot like normal. Upon landing, several horizontal explosions appear slightly underneath the shot's landing place in a similar fashion as horizon. Explosions happen three times, effectively swallowing up the terrain above and a dent in the ground is formed.
Weapon Attributes
Weapon Type Impact Effect
Damage 30*4
Explosion Radius 30*4 (30*10 PU)
Terrain Damage Yes
Self Damage Yes
Requirements None

Area Strike[]

Area strike has a much different damaging mechanism as sinkhole. After the shot lands, several random explosions appear at the shot's landing area, damaging both tanks and terrain.
Weapon Attributes
Weapon Type Impact Effect
Damage 10*12
Explosion Radius 10*12 (10*30 PU)
Terrain Damage Yes
Self Damage Yes
Requirements 800 XP

Area Attack[]

Similar to area strike, but explosions have increased damage and seem to spread out a bit more.
Weapon Attributes
Weapon Type Impact Effect
Damage 10*15
Explosion Radius 10*16 (10*40 PU)
Terrain Damage Yes
Self Damage Yes
Requirements 4,100 XP